Development work covered during lesson
Today I created a quiz using Flash. Firstly, I opened up Flash CS4 and then selected Action Script 3.0. In order to create our quiz we were given a quiz template that we could use as the basis for our quiz. I opened this quiz by going to file, open and then searching through the database to find it. The quiz template was located in V:\0APPLIED ICT\unit 11 resources\Templates and Guides\Hierarchical Template\Quiz and once I had found it I clicked open which then opened up the quiz in Flash. After I had opened the quiz I had to change it in order to suit my IMP. Firstly, I went onto the code layer towards the bottom of the screen, right clicked the first frame and then selected Actions. This then brought up a large box with the codes in which are used to make the quiz work correctly. In the code there was a section that said 'var questionAndAnswers =' and underneath this line there were already some questions and the potential answers in green however these were not suitable for my topic and therefore I changed them in order to make it more relevant to the topic my IMP is about. I decided to do an ICT quiz first as I thought this was relevant to my topic as the ICT classrooms are in the E block. The first question that I decided to ask was 'How much data can DVD disks hold?' and the three potential answers that I wrote beside it was "4.7 GB", "5 GB" and "6.8 GB". In order for the user to click and answer and see whether its right I needed to put beside it which answer was correct and therefore I wrote '0]' in brackets beside it as this was the answer that corresponded. This ensures that when the user clicks an answer it will come up on the screen whether they have got it correct or incorrect, which makes the IMP more interactive. The next question I asked was "How many kilobites are there in one megabyte?" and beside it I wrote the potential answers that the user could chose "10", "100" and "1000" with 2 being the correct answer. Therefore if the user selects 10 as there answer then it will come us as incorrect whereas if the user selects 1000 then it will come up as correct. The last question that I put on this quiz was "Whis of these is an example of software?" and the three potential answers that I gave were "Printer", "Monitor" and "Microsoft excel" with the correct answer being number 1. It is really important that these questions are related to the topic that my IMP is about because it ensures that the user is learning the information that want to know rather than just playing a game for fun.
In addition to that I also decided to change the colour of the background of the quiz to something that I though suited my IMP a lot better. In the quiz template we were given the main background was bright, light green, which I didnt't think looked that good and the question and answer section was bright yellow. First of all I went on to the code layer and on the right hand side of the screen underneath properties there was a box that I clicked on in order to change the colour. Once I had clicked this box another larger box came up with a selection of different colours to choose from and I decided to choose red as I thought this stood out and was quite an attractive colour. As well as that I then clicked on the questions and answers section of the quiz and on the right hand side of the screen another box appeared which allowed me to change to colour of this part. I decided to change it to white as I thought this wouldn't overpower the questions and answers and that it contrasted with the red very well. Lastly I added a title to my quiz so that the user would know exactly what the quiz is. I did this by going to the panel on the right hand side of the page and selecting the text tool. Once I had done this I drew a box at the top of the quiz where I wanted the title to be and I wrote 'ICT quiz'. I then made the text a lot bigger by going onto the properties tab and chnaging the font size to 30. Finally once my quiz was finished I published it by going to file, and then clicking publish settings which meant that the user would be able to open up the quiz and it would work in my IMP.
As well as that I also created another quiz for my IMP as I wanted to ensure that I included as much information as possible that would help the user find out what they wanted to. The next quiz I created was a maths quiz as the maths rooms are situated in E block and therefore I thought this would be appropriate for my IMP. Below are the questions that I put into the code and beside are the choices of answers along with number of answer that is correct:
["What is 5 x 8 ?", "28", "134", "40", 2],
["What is 14 x 14?", "132", "144", "196", 1],
["What is 6 x 9?", "21", "54", "88", 1]
As you can see from the above it shows that the first question that I asked was 'What is 5 x 8' and I thought this was appropriate as it is a maths related question, which is relevant to the theme of my IMP as the maths classrooms are located in the e block. The possible answers that I gave to this question were '28', '134' and '40' and beside it I wrote '2' which shows that '40' is the correct answer and therefore when the user clicks '40' as the answer it will come up with 'correct' and when they click any other answer it will come up with 'incorrect'. The next question that I asked was 'What is 14 x 14' with the possible answers as '132', '144' and '196' and beside I wrote that '1' is the correct answer which corresponds to '144'. The last question that I asked was 'What is 6 x 9' with the possible answers '21', '54' and '88' and then beside it I wrote that the correct answer was '1' which corresponds to '54'.
In addition to this I also changed the colour of the quiz as I didn't want it to be the same colour as the ICT quiz otherwise it would be quite boring. In order to change the colour i clicked the 'code' layer and clicked the properties tab on the right hand side of the page and a small box appeared underneath where I was able to change the background colour of my quiz. I clicked the box and I decided to change the background of my ICT quiz to a pink/purple colour as I thought this looked really attractive and suited my quiz and IMP perfectly. As well as that I also changed the colour of te question and answer section to white as I didn't want the two colours to clash and over power the text and therefore this was the ideal contrast. Lastly I also added a title as I did with the ICT quiz so that the user knows exactly what it is. I added a title by going to the 'Text' tool on the right hand side of the page and the I drew a box at the top of the quiz and wrote 'Maths quiz' inside it. I also moved it to make sure that it was in the centre of the screen at the top and made it a little bigger to ensure that It was an appropriate size.
How the development work fitted into the client brief
Creating a quiz in my IMP fits in my client brief as it it makes my IMP a lot more interactive and gives the user something else to do in order to learn about the topic rather than just watching a video and looking at pictures. Below is part of bullet point E of my client brief which my development work fits in to:
' Another interactive feature that I will add to my IMP is a quiz. I am going to add two quizzes to my IMP, a maths and ICT quiz as these are suitable for my IMP as they are relevant to the theme as the ICT and Maths classrooms are located in the E block. Quiz’s are important as they will make my IMP a lot more interactive and will allow the user to get involved and have fun, along with learning new information.'
New skills table reference number
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