Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Converting MOD files to FLV files

Development work you covered during lesson
Today we had to convert our MOD files to FLV files using Adobe Media Encoder. Firstly we copied the MOD files that were located in studentshared/0AppliedICT/Unit11resources/Palmersvideo/eblock/ORIGINAL_MOD_FILES in to another folder. I made a new folder 'Conerted videos' in Computer/Dfrancis/AppliedICT and copied all the files into this folder. I then opened Adobe media encoder CS4 and clicked the 'add' button. I then selected all of the MOD files that I wanted to convert and clicked open so that all the files copied onto the programme. Before I could start to convert the files I had to make sure that the format of all the files were FLV/F4V and that Preset option was 'Flash 8 and higher'. Lastly I also had to check the output file to make sure that the files were going to the correct folder. Once I had checked to make sure that all of the options were correct I clicked the 'start queue' button in order to start converting the files from MOD to FLV files. Once all the files had the green tick next to them I knew that they had completed so I looked in the output folder to make sure that they were in the correct place.

How the development work fitted into the client brief
We converted the MOD files into FLV files in order to make the files compatible for the programs that we are creating the Interactive Multimedia Product on. This is because in order for my IMP to meet the client brief the user needs to be able to watch the video and therefore the files needs to be an FLV in order for it to work with the program. Below is section B of my client brief which this fits into:

The IMP (interactive multimedia product) is trying to portray where all of the classes within E block are located and what each of the classrooms is for. The films and photos that I will be using for my IMP will help my target audience have a better understanding of the layout of the E block as it will help to provide a visual aid to show them where each of the classrooms are and what they are for. The films and photos I use will also be very easy to understand and they need to be suitable to the topic my IMP is about to ensure that the user gets exactly what they want from the IMP and that It does not stray from the topic.'

This shows how important it is that the user is able to watch the video in my IMP as it will mean that my target audience will be able to learn about E block by having a visual aid which will show them where all of the different rooms are situated.

New skills table reference number

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