Thursday, 1 December 2011

A trick to removing unused library items

Development work covered during lesson
In order to make sure that I was organised when developing my IMP in Flash so that I created it as efficiently as possible I found a tip of that allowed me to remove unwanted library. I followed a very basic tutorial in order to carry this out. Firstly, I opened the library panel by clicking CTRL + T and selected the drop down option at the top of the panel. I then selected the 'select unused items' option which highlighted all of the unused library items and then I pressed the delete key to remove them. 

How the development work fitted into the client brief
This fits into my client brief as it allowed me to organise my library better so that there were only items that I had included in my IMP in there. This made the project easier to carry out as it took me shorter time to find the items I was looking for and therefore allowed me to be more efficient when creating my IMP.

New skills table reference number

Find mouse position in IMP

Development work covered during lesson
On I found a tutorial for 'find mouse position', which allows the user to immediately find the mouse position on the IMP if the user cant find it. In order to create this I first opened a new Flash AS3 file and then set an appropriate stage size, with the colour #65FF98 from the colour palat as the background. I then selected the text tool with dynamic text and dragged four text boxes near the bottom left of the stage. Next I selected the dynamic text box in turn and gave them the following instance names: xstage_txt, ystage_txt, xmovie_txt and ymovie_txt. I then selected the rectangule tool and dragged the rectangle shape at the centre of the stage area and then converted it to a symbol by clicking F8. I also gave it the instance name 'box_mc'. The stage of creating this effect was to create a new layer on the timeline called 'Actions', selected the first time frame, hit F9 to open up the actions panel and copied the code from the tutorial into the box. Lastly I tested my mouse position by clicking CTRL + Enter, however it did not work as it was supposed to. I tried lots of things in order to sort out this effect, but when I went back on the website I found this was a tutorial where Adobe Flash AS3 was required and I used AS2. 

How the development work fitted into the client brief
Although this did not work as I would hope it would have still fitted into the client brief because it was another interactive feature to add to my IMP.

New skills table reference number

Fullscreen button in action script 3

Development work covered during lesson
As  one of my other initiative elements I decided to include a full screen option within my IMP.I found a tutorial on and followed this throughout. First, I created my button on the stage, which I knew how to do in the early production stages of my IMP when I was building the fulls. After I created a button with the words 'Full screen' on it, I then gave it the instance name 'button1' so that it would work on the code. I then inserted a new layer on my timeline called 'Actions', right clicked on the first frame, selected actions and then added the code in the tutorial. I had then completed the tutorial.

How the development work fitted into the client brief
This development work fits into the client brief as in the brief I stated I was going to add many interactive features to make my IMP easier to use and to make it more attractive. Adding a 'full screen' button allows the user to view the IMP in a full screen and therefore have a better view of the content on each screen.

New skills table reference number

Friday, 18 November 2011

Creating black and white gallery in Flash

Development work covered during lesson
Today I developed my skills by adding a black and white gallery in Flash. I found a tutorial on which helped me when making the gallery. Firstly I opened up a new Flash AS3 document with 450 x 300 dimensions as this was size that was suggested as most appropriate for this task. I then created a new folder in the library called 'pictures' and then imported the four pictures I wanted in my galley by selecting the 'File' tab, 'import', 'import to library', finding the photos I wanted to open and then selecting 'Open'. After that I then dragged each or the images individually on to the stage and then arranged and aligned them the way I wanted them to look on the gallery. All of the images that I used in this gallery were the images that I added a border to because I felt these would look the most effective on a black and white gallery. Next, I converted each of the images to a symbol by clicking on them and then pressing F8, giving them an appropriate name, selecting button and then clicking 'Ok'. I also had to give each of the symbols an instance name so that when I added the code the gallery should work as its supposed to. The next step in the tutorial that it said to do was to double click on one of the images to enter the movie clips timeline and then select the 20th frame and insert a key frame (F6). Then I had to right click anywhere between the 1st and 20th frame,select 'insert motion tween', select the first frame, then the image on the stage and then select the adjust colour property and change the saturation value to -100.

After I had completed all of these steps I then inserted a new layer on the timeline called 'Actions' by right clicking and selecting 'insert new layer' and then insert a key frame on the 20th frame by clicking F6. Then I right clicked on the 1st frame and 20th frame, selected 'Actions' and pasted the code from the tutorial on I then returned to the main timeline and repeated all of the steps from double clicking on the image up to and including add the code to all of the other images on my gallery. Once I had done this for all of the images I then selected the first frame of the main menu, right clicked, selected 'Actions' and then pasted the second code into the box. To finish off I tested the gallery by clicking CTRL + Enter.

How the development work fitted into the client brief
In my client brief I said that I wanted to add images to my IMP in order to give the user a better understanding of the layout of e block and that I also wanted to add effects to make the IMP more interesting. Below are the sections of the client brief that the development work fitted into:

'The films and photos that I will be using for my IMP will help my target audience have a better understanding of the layout of the E block as it will help to provide a visual aid to show them where each of the classrooms are and what they are for.'

' Lastly I will also add effects to my IMP in order to make it a lot more interesting such as text that glows, animations etc.'

New skills table reference number

Adding a solid border to images

Development work covered during lesson
Today I developed my skills by adding a border to my images. Firstly I opened up photoshop and then opened up the image I wanted to create a border around by going to the 'file' tab, then I clicked 'Open', found the image I wanted to use which was located in V:\0APPLIED ICT\unit 11 resources\Palmers photos\E_Block_photos and then clicked 'open' in the bottom right corner of the box. After I had opened the image in Photoshop I then selected the rectangular marque tool and drew a rectangular shape around near the edge of the picture, where I wanted the border to be. Once I had done this I then chose 'select', 'Inverse' and then hit the 'delete' key which removedthe section of the picture that was outside of the rectangular shape.Lastly I selected the bucket tool so that I could colour in the border, however I thought that the white border already looked nice and therefore I kept it the same. After I was satisfied with how the picture look I then saved it buy going to 'file', 'save as' and then gave the picture an appropriate name. I then repeated these steps for three more pictures that I wanted to include in my black and white gallery.

How the development work fitted into the client brief

In my client brief I said that I wanted to include image in my IMP in order to give people a better understanding of the layout of the e block. I also said that I was going to add effects to my IMP to make it more interesting and this is what I have done with these images. Below is are the sections of my client brief that the development work fits into:

'The films and photos that I will be using for my IMP will help my target audience have a better understanding of the layout of the E block as it will help to provide a visual aid to show them where each of the classrooms are and what they are for.'

' Lastly I will also add effects to my IMP in order to make it a lot more interesting such as text that glows, animations etc. I will make my own custom cursor, which will make my IMP a lot more interesting for the user. '

New skills table reference number

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Adding keyboard controls to my IMP

Development work covered during lesson
Another feature that I decided to add to my IMP was keyboard controls. This is where the user is able to move objects on the IMP by using the keyboard. In order to help me whilst creating this feature I used a tutorial from which gave me guidelines on what steps to take in Flash. Firstly I opened a new Flash AS3 document and then imported the object I wanted to control by selecting the import tab, then clicking 'import to stage', selecting the image and then clicking 'Open'. Next I converted the symbol into an object by clicking F8, gave it an appropriate name, selected movie clip, clicked 'Ok' and then also gave it the instance name 'Lemon_mc' as this was the name in the code on the tutorial and therefore it needed to be the same in order for it to work with that particular code. However If I wanted I could have chosen a different instance name and then change the name within the code, but this would have taken more time and the outcome would have been exactly the same. After I had done this I clicked on the timeline, right clicked, selected 'Insert new layer' and then called it 'Actions'. I then right clicked on the first frame, selecting 'Actions' and then pasted the code on the tutorial into the box. Lastly I checked that it was working by clicking CTRL + Enter and then using the navigation keys on the keyboard to see whether it moved the object they way I wanted it to. 

How the development work fitted into the client brief
The development fits into the client brief because in it I stated that I was to add effects to my IMP in order to make it more fun and interesting for the user. Below is part of section D) which this fits into:

'Lastly I will also add effects to my IMP in order to make it a lot more interesting such as text that glows, animations etc.'

New skills table reference number

Zoom in and out effect on Flash

Development work covered during lesson
Today I created a zoom in and out effect on some pictures within my IMP in Flash. I found a tutorial on which gave me a basic outline on the steps I needed to follow. Firstly I opened a new Flash AS3 file and then imported a picture onto the stage by selecting 'import', 'import to stage', selected the image and then clicked 'Open'. Next I converted the image into a movie clip by clicking F8, giving the symbol an appropriate name, selecting movie clip, setting the registration point to centre and then clicked 'Ok'. I also changed the instance name of the symbol to 'fish_mc' because this is the name in the code on the tutorial and therefore this needs to be the same in order for the effect to work. After I had done this I created a new layer called 'Actions' by selecting the timeline, right clicking and selecting 'Insert new layer'. Then I clicked F9 to open the actions panel and I pasted the code from the tutorial into the box. In order to make the picture look as clear as possible when zooming in I right clicked on the image in the library, selected properties on the drop down menu and checked the 'smoothing' check box which made the image edges less pixelated. Lastly I tested the movie by clicking CTRL + Enter to ensure everything was working correctly. 

How the development work fitted into the client brief
This development work fitted into my client brief because in the brief I stated that I was going to add photos as a visual aid to help the target audience understand the layout of e block better and that I was also going to add effects in order to make it more interesting and easier to use. Below are the sections of the client brief that the development work fitted into:

'The films and photos that I will be using for my IMP will help my target audience have a better understanding of the layout of the E block as it will help to provide a visual aid to show them where each of the classrooms are and what they are for. The films and photos I use will also be very easy to understand and they need to be suitable to the topic my IMP is about to ensure that the user gets exactly what they want from the IMP and that It does not stray from the topic.'

'Lastly I will also add effects to my IMP in order to make it a lot more interesting such as text that glows, animations etc.' 

New skills table reference number