Friday, 18 November 2011

Adding a solid border to images

Development work covered during lesson
Today I developed my skills by adding a border to my images. Firstly I opened up photoshop and then opened up the image I wanted to create a border around by going to the 'file' tab, then I clicked 'Open', found the image I wanted to use which was located in V:\0APPLIED ICT\unit 11 resources\Palmers photos\E_Block_photos and then clicked 'open' in the bottom right corner of the box. After I had opened the image in Photoshop I then selected the rectangular marque tool and drew a rectangular shape around near the edge of the picture, where I wanted the border to be. Once I had done this I then chose 'select', 'Inverse' and then hit the 'delete' key which removedthe section of the picture that was outside of the rectangular shape.Lastly I selected the bucket tool so that I could colour in the border, however I thought that the white border already looked nice and therefore I kept it the same. After I was satisfied with how the picture look I then saved it buy going to 'file', 'save as' and then gave the picture an appropriate name. I then repeated these steps for three more pictures that I wanted to include in my black and white gallery.

How the development work fitted into the client brief

In my client brief I said that I wanted to include image in my IMP in order to give people a better understanding of the layout of the e block. I also said that I was going to add effects to my IMP to make it more interesting and this is what I have done with these images. Below is are the sections of my client brief that the development work fits into:

'The films and photos that I will be using for my IMP will help my target audience have a better understanding of the layout of the E block as it will help to provide a visual aid to show them where each of the classrooms are and what they are for.'

' Lastly I will also add effects to my IMP in order to make it a lot more interesting such as text that glows, animations etc. I will make my own custom cursor, which will make my IMP a lot more interesting for the user. '

New skills table reference number

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